HydroBlade Engineer Henry Gallego Takes to the Water for Successful Test Ride 

Henry Gallego on the HydroBlade

HydroBlade’s electronic engineer, Henry Gallego, recently had the opportunity to test out the latest iteration of the watercraft. As the engineer in charge of the electronic design, Gallego’s input is crucial to the HydroBlade’s development. 

During the test ride, Gallego focused on the performance of the current battery system and the control side for the motor drives. While this was his first time working with a watercraft, Gallego is no stranger to learning new things. He admitted to having a brief, less-than-successful experience with an earlier HydroBlade prototype, but this time around, things were much smoother. 

“I’m excited,” Gallego said before the test. “I expect to be able to ride it successfully and take it to a foiling position.” 

And succeed he did! After the ride, Gallego reported that the experience was much easier than he anticipated. He acknowledged the initial learning curve but likened it to operating any other vehicle. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier. 

This firsthand experience proved valuable for Gallego. He noted areas for improvement, particularly with the control response. His feedback will be used to refine the electronics modules, a crucial step in HydroBlade’s development. 

While Gallego was the first to achieve foiling, he admits there’s still room for improvement on his end. “I’m eager to come back, I need more practice,” he said. 

The HydroBlade team is looking forward to incorporating Gallego’s insights and continuing to refine the watercraft’s design. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from HydroBlade! 

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